Simple Aurora
A Blender material node group allowing for the quick creation of simple stylized auroras (Northern Lights, Aurora Borealis) in the node editor.
Parameters include:
Color (two options for colour, and a contrast control)
Strength (how bright the aurora is, and how a control for how bright the highlight is)
Scale (vertical and horizontal)
Transparency (flat transparency for the aurora)
The .blend group comes with two versions, one that uses generated coordinates, and one that uses UV coordinates. The UV version looks better, but requires some additional control, while the generated (Auto) version requires less control, but has more limitations than the UV version.
To bring the group node into another .blend file, use File - Append - (Locate the included .blend) - NodeTree - Major's Simple Aurora (UV or Auto)
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The node group, and four examples of material setup and mesh creation, in one .blend file.