Stylized Hair Material
A Blender material node group allowing for the creation of easy stylized hair materials in the node editor.
Parameters include:
Color (two options for color, and blend controls)
Colored Streaks (color, amount and strength)
Colored Tips (color, amount, and strength)
Roughness (can be used for a wetness effect)
End Thinning (fade away at the end of the hair mesh)
Main Thinning (thinning throughout the entire hair mesh)
While the intended use is for stylized hair created by methods like this:, the material can be adapted to hair created by other types of generation.
To bring the group node into another .blend file, use File - Append - (Locate the included .blend) - NodeTree - Major's Stylized Hair
For more information, contact me at
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The node group, and five examples of material setup and hair mesh creation, in one .blend file.